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Age Groups:


Junior = Junior 1 Jazz (2024) to Elementary Jazz 2 (2024)


Senior = Elementary 3 Jazz (2024) and above


Although acrobatics is open to all ages, when booking please select the same level as your other dance styles (e.g. junior or senior) â€‹


Note: If you did not participate in jazz in 2024, please message the Betty Bentley Dance Academy (Port Kennedy) Instagram page for clarification on your appropriate age group



Ordering Instructions:


If you're buying for multiple students, please make a separate transaction for each one, as the student's name will be needed at checkout


If you're attending the full day and registering for all 4 classes, use discount code BBDA10 for $10 off!​​


To see available classes, please click "BOOK NOW" for either the junior or senior age group



Limited spots available

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